#bali mynah
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Bali Mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi)
By Michael Payton Stewart
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mutant-distraction · 1 year ago
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Bali myna / Rothschild's mynah
Photo by: Danny Khoo@dannykhoo_photo
The Bali myna (Leucopsar rothschildi), also known as Rothschild's mynah, Bali starling, or Bali mynah is restricted to the island of Bali (and its offshore islands) in Indonesia, where it is the island's only endemic vertebrate species.
It is critically endangered and in 2020, fewer than 50 adults were assumed to exist in the wild.
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zedecksiew · 2 years ago
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A feathered sorcerer and his mismatched love; a cliffside tower and its dozen prisoners; a sumptuous spread and its discontents.
20/2 - 26/2 #dungeon23
A wizard's tower---that's pretty much a dungeon, right? But this one is also an event: a birthday party! There are thieves and drunken guests and politically-inconvenient dignitaries.
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Was trying to model Leucops the bird wizard after a Bali mynah. But I couldn't get its profile right? (I'm more used to common mynahs---but that's no excuse, either, because Leucops looks like a chicken ... Oh well.)
Leucops was banished from the sky after he got pissy he didn't get invited to the cool-songbirds club, and he trapped them in magic birdcages.
This one is full of pangolin-folk and termite-folk and stuff like "twelfth bell" instead of noon, because it is set underground, in the cavern of the God-In-Pieces. (Incidentally, this also means the whole party is lit by a constant magic-hour-like light coming from the south.)
But there's so little space in the notebook, and I couldn't rely on short-hands like the day-night cycle, or even human NPCs.
So writing this was finicky. And the text ended up real clumsy.
For example: there's a timeline in there---but it is scattered all over, instead of put in a single list, which would be the more useful way to do it.
At least I liked making the illustration for this. Lost myself in the tiny details: the cushions in the bedroom, the writing desk in the lounge; the frescoes in the ground-floor gallery; the tables and chairs and flags of the party ...
Detail I am most proud of: the little latrine area, with chamber-pots. Because you need a place to piss, at a party!
#dungeon23 thing I loved this week: the visual density and charm and neatness of Quadra. Hope all this gets compiled somewhere; it is too good.
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helluvatimes · 11 months ago
Lovey Dovey Mynahs
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The official bird of Bali in the former Jurong Bird Park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
Shooting against the light, the exposure was biased brighter by just 1/3 stop but had need to be brightened further in post. The colour was also a little desaturated and had to be intensified some 40 percent.
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c-o-r-r-u-p-t · 1 year ago
It’s wild to me that I am now in a position where I am in charge of some of the worlds most endangered birds and like losing 1 bali mynah would be losing 5% of their total population ljke that’s wild
All the birds I take care of and there’s like 200 in existence
Fucking crazy
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latribune · 2 years ago
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com – Menghabiskan liburan di Pulau Dewata Bali, kalian bisa menemukan atraksi baru di Bali Safari Park, yakni Rainforest Trail. Sehak diluncurkan pada 20 April 2023 lalu, wahana baru ini langsung banyak dicoba pengunjung. Apalagi, ini merupakan satu-satunya jalur hutan hujan di Bali. Pengalaman ini menawarkan kesempatan bagi pengunjung untuk dekat dengan aneka satwa dari seluruh dunia. Rainforest Trail secara resmi dibuka oleh Pemilik Bali Safari Park, Frans Manansang dan didampingi General Manager Bali Safari Park Marcel Driessen. Serta perwakilan Bupati Gianyar yang diwakili oleh Asisten I Sekda Kabupaten Gianyar, I Ketut Mudana. BACA JUGA: Taman Safari Tebar Promo Tiket di Indonesia Travel Fair, Buruan Datang Jalur Berkelok-kelok "Kami berharap pengunjung kami benar-benar menikmati Rainforest Trail. Lingkungan yang indah, suasana dekat dengan alam, tempat unik untuk foto yang bagus,” kata General Manager Bali Safari Park, Marcel Drissen, baru-baru ini. “Dan tentu saja, mengamati koleksi hewan secara dekat membuat kunjungan ke Rainforest Trail menjadi pengalaman yang fantastis," sambungnya. Rainforest Trail adalah jalur berkelok-kelok yang membawa pengunjung melalui hutan yang lebat dengan kehidupan. Di sepanjang jalan, pengunjung akan menemukan berbagai macam hewan, termasuk jaguar hitam, flamingo, kanguru, berang-berang, rusa belang, macaque, dan banyak lagi. BACA JUGA: Tips Agar Tak di Tabrak Singa Saat Berkunjung ke Taman Safari Pengalaman ini memiliki aspek pendidikan dan konservasi yang penting. Karena pengunjung akan belajar tentang berbagai spesies hewan. Terutama, yang menempati hutan hujan dan ancaman yang mereka hadapi di alam liar. Bali Safari Park berkomitmen pada konservasi dan keberlanjutan, dan pengunjung dapat melihat hal ini dalam aksi melalui program pembiakan dan konservasi taman. Salah satu fitur unik dari Rainforest Trail yakni terdapat banyak pengalaman safari dan jalur hutan hujan di seluruh dunia. BACA JUGA: Pulau Bali Bakal Dibanjiri Wisdom 7 Hari Sebelum Lebaran Burung Bali Mynah Tetapi yang membedakan Rainforest Trail Bali Safari Park adalah fokusnya pada konservasi dan keberlanjutannya. Bali Safari menjadi rumah bagi program konservasi dan penangkaran terbesar untuk burung Bali Mynah di dunia, serta beberapa spesies yang terancam punah lainnya. Dengan mengunjungi Rainforest Trail, pengunjung tidak hanya akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melihat hewan-hewan menarik di dunia secara dekat. Tetapi juga mendukung upaya penting dalam konservasi. BACA JUGA: Wisman Asal Selandia Baru Bakal Serbu Bali, Targetnya 150.000 Turis Untuk membuat pengalaman di Rainforest Trail semakin berkesan, pengunjung diimbau mengunjungi area taman terlebih dahulu. Karena jalurnya berkelanjutan untuk bertemu dengan spesies langka lainnya. Pengelola juga mengimbau pengunjung untuk mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman dan sepatu yang kokoh. Hal ini mengiongat, jalurnya bisa cukup terjal dan tidak rata di beberapa tempat. BACA JUGA: Kebun Binatang Bandung Hadirkan Fasilitas Anyar Sambut Lebaran 2023 Jangan lupa untuk membawa topi dan tabir surya untuk melindungi diri dari matahari tropis. Untuk meningkatkan pengalaman, pertimbangkan untuk memesan multi-animal feeding, pengunjung memiliki kesempatan untuk dekat dengan hewan-hewan dan habitat mereka. Dalam rangka merayakan peluncuran Rainforest Trail, pengunjung yang datang pada 20-30 April akan menerima akses gratis ke Waterplay Zone. Caranya bisa klik disini ***
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bandarai · 2 years ago
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#Birdtober2022 Day 13 - Forest
"To Be Only A Memory"
The Bali Starling is only found in one particular forest on the West of the Island of Bali.
They are critically endangered and, in 2018, fewer than 100 adults were assumed to exist in the wild.
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shinonart · 3 years ago
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Smaugust: Bali Mynah
The bali mynah dragons are known as the most luxurious dragons. Their plumage is softer than the finest silk and pure white which has made them a target to poachers and illegal pet trade. Many royal figured in far and more recent history have used the bali mynah as their crest or even as a luxurious pet.
They are very cautious in nature and are very rarely seen on the ground level. They are also somewhat vain and prefer a soft and tidy nests. Bali mynah dragons are known to steal and hoard soft fabrics and fibers for their nests.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Bali Mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi)
By Stephen Cole
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magnoliasandbeardedtooth · 2 years ago
Regimbartia attenuata, a water beetle! that when eaten by a frog! can just kinda walk out!!!
Red-crested cardinal
Ribbon seal
Pink-necked green pigeon
Puff leg hummingbirds
Grey go-away-bird
Brahminy kite
Bali mynah
Golden breasted starling
Golden pheasant
Oriental dwarf kingfisher
Ocellated turkey
Violet-backed starling oh my GOD
Himalayan monal
Ecuadorian hillstar
Rainbow-bearded thornbill
Frilled coquette
Tufted coquette
Marvelous spatuletail
I already said most deer in general, but Pere Davids Deer
another plant, the javan cucumber has seeds with flat membranes that allow them to glide like paper airplanes
Virginia tiger beetles can run so fast they (temorarily) GO BLIND????
Red-and-white giant flying squirrel
Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
Moon crab
Starfish go through metamorphosis, like a caterpillar/butterfly!!
Featherhorn beetles
Trilobite beetles
Cuban painted snail
animals that are extremely cool but I only found out about by chance because every single animal program and article focuses on famous animals like tigers and polar bears and eye-eyes:
Cloud rat
Painted dogs
Mouse deer
I checked and dik-diks and the mouse deer are different
Honestly any deer that isn’t white tail, red, reindeer, elk, or moose
Like that striped deer, the lowland nyala???? especially the females???? fantastic
that fanged deer?????? HELL yeah
King vulture
Bearded vulture
Bush dog
feel free to add, I will when I stumble on super cool unknown animals
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crypitd · 3 years ago
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Bali Myna going to a Fat Bird Friday Ball!
»   Etsy  •  Various Links   «
© Harlen Chen
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dvmpicsphotography · 5 years ago
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Bali Mynah. One of the most endangered birds in the world, this was definitely a zoo photo though I can’t remember which one. I was lucky enough to work with them as a student, drawing blood for DNA sexing for the Species Survival Plan to determine breeding partners.  They’ve gone extinct in the wild at least once due to poaching. Some were re-introduced... and poached again. Support wildlife conservation!
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sixth-extinction · 7 years ago
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Two female Bali mynahs were recently hatched at Zoo Knoxville in Tennessee (September 2017). It is the first time that their parents, Zane and Kadek, have successfully produced offspring. [x]
This striking bird is an attractive target for the exotic pet trade. In 2001, the wild population had fallen to only 6 individuals. Thanks to conservation efforts and captive breeding programs, the population has grown, but the species remains critically endangered. It is estimated that less than 100 Bali mynahs currently live in the wild, with about 1,000 living in captivity worldwide. [x]
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notbecauseofvictories · 4 years ago
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these bitches? my favorite.
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symbolsofpoweruniverse · 5 years ago
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Danae is a scribe and cartographer of Tháur. His knowledge of language and his abilities with pen and paper have a high demand after the High rust, since most scribes died during it. Thus, Danae gained renown and lives well off close to the king’s castle, but does not feel personally inclined to be loyal to the new country or to consider himself to be protected by Dinner. He spends most of his time with his best friend Nile the bard, and frequents Nancy’s tavern secret group, the Horror Circle. Danae was born in a female body, but presents and identifies as a man. He is a feathery, and his phenotype is Bali Mynah.
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